Introduction: No Stop Intersection
Lights at the intersection take forever!! When your running late because of a tight schedule or even just slept in, time is your enemy. I've designed a system that allows a no stop intersection that will allow free flowing traffic to move on its way lights free!! this is just a model, but if I ever get a computer with the software used in industrial design I would love to upload some files!! (This is a quick instructable I made to share one of my ideas)
Step 1: Draft
First I started with an idea, I wanted to create an intersection that had no lights, what better way than to build a model to explain!!
Step 2: Base and Roads
For the base I hot glued two pieces of foam board left over from my starry night ceiling project. For the roads I used strips of cardboard.
Step 3: Main Roads
First thing is first, its time to create the two main roads, these are going to be flat against the ground. Now for the "intersecting" roads, we don't want any stops so how do we make them pass each other? We use a bridge!
Step 4: U-Turns
With U-Turns you can connect the two parallel roads to each other , so essentially from this viewpoint you have your "up and down."
Step 5: Turn Lanes
But what if you want to turn right? or left? I made a turn lane to handle this problem. No stops you just have to yield. And for left turns you have to take the turn lane and than the U-Turn lane which will be space out for reasonable time for switching the lanes.
Step 6: Thats It!
This is the No Stop Intersection in its glory! I drew arrows for a better understanding on how it all works and i hope this inspires everyone to build and design their own things!!