Introduction: Nutella Campfire Cone

Campfire cones are great single serving snacks/desserts that can be made ahead and cooked when you want them.

Step 1: BoM

Ice cream cones
Tin foil

Step 2: Stuff

Stuff your cones however you see fit. I wanted a s'mores kind of cone, so I put in M&Ms, marshmallows, Nutella, almonds, and then more marshmallows (to keep the Nutella from leaking out).

Step 3: Wrap

Wrap each cone in a small piece of tin foil. Start by folding at the bottom and then wrapping the sides. Close the top. I made a little hook so I could put the tin foil on to a skewer later for easier cooking.

Step 4: Cook

Heat up your cones for 3-5 minutes over your fire. If you have marshmallows on top and want them a little crispy, you'll need to expose them to some flame after the cone is cooked. This method melts, but doesn't char the inside of your cones.

Step 5: Enjoy!

Carefully remove the cones from the heat and even more carefully, unwrap them and enjoy!

Outside Contest 2017

Participated in the
Outside Contest 2017

Makerspace Contest 2017

Participated in the
Makerspace Contest 2017

Outdoor Cooking Contest 2017

Participated in the
Outdoor Cooking Contest 2017