Introduction: Office Ninja Grappling Hook
Need a grappling hook to close your door? Well instead of getting up build a grappling hook to shut it for you.
Step 1: Materials
You will need:
Three (3) large paper clips
One (1) small paper clip
Fishing line or dental floss
Three (3) large paper clips
One (1) small paper clip
Fishing line or dental floss
Step 2: Making the Hook
Bend outside wire up.
Step 3: Making the Hook
Join the first two clips together by sliding them on top of each other and having the wires interlock.
Step 4: Making the Hook
Join the third clip on linking it with the others.
Step 5: Renforce the Hook
Straightenout the smaller paperclip into a line. Pass through the hole in the three large paper clips and wrap the wire around.
Step 6: Bend the Hook
Bend the wire out to make a hook shape. We coo'?
Step 7: Attach
Tie fishing line or dental floss onto the base part of the hook. Loop the line around all three of the paperclips. Use to grapple stuff and finally open that door. (This is really easy to reinforce with ductape or ductape or ductape or... ductape. I'm sure you all can think of a way to reinforce the hooks, too, but this is a simple one and filing down fishing hooks is a lot of work. And finally i know that there is another grappling hook at: tiny grappling hook no need to post that.