Introduction: Open a Beer With a Sheet of Paper

About: I enjoy the outdoors but I wouldn't call myself an outdoor expert. I do risk management for a living so I tend to think worst case scenario in most cases. It makes me a lot of fun at parties .
If you have a beer and a sheet of paper, there is no reason to be thirsty.

Of course it's always easier to just use the bottle opener on the bar (yes there is a vise on my bar top, which is actually an old work bench made in the 50's by the home's original owners).

This is really more of a party trick... But there are plenty of other things you can do with a sheet of paper. This is a good demonstration of the strength of paper with just a few folds.

I'm certainly not the first one to do it. I saw someone do it over 20 years ago and I am sure plenty have done it since.

(also... Yes I have a flask that holds a half gallon. I found it at Goodwill)

Step 1: Fold the Paper in Half

You want crisp folds. There is more strength. Also, you'll want to end up with a lever with the folded end up. So plan accordingly.

Step 2: Important

Make sure the fold is up... Otherwise it will just crush.

Step 3: First Try

Hold the bottle tight. I like to place my "lever" on my thumb so I can put upward pressure on it.

You can see that in the paper vs. steel contest the paper holds its own.

Step 4: Success!

Second time was the charm.

These are stills from the video. You can see the bottle cap flying off.

I suppose I should add another step and say drink... But I assume you have figured that out.
Papercraft Contest 2015

Participated in the
Papercraft Contest 2015