Introduction: Organized Bookshelf

This is to help those people who constantly scroll through Instagram or Tumblr and see all the beautiful bookshelves and want to replicate it <3

Step 1: Take All the Books and Decide How to Categorize It

Decide how you want to organize your books and separate them into smaller groups. You can organize it for either aesthetics or function. Here are some of my recommendations:


-rainbow order (my favorite)

-by size

-hardcover and paperback


-by author

-read and unread


Step 2: Organize Your Small Groups

After deciding and separating your books organize your smaller groups until you're satisfied. For example, since my books were separated by color I organized each small group from darkest to lightest.

Step 3: Order the Smaller Groups Together

Take your small groups and place them back on the shelf. Figure out what order makes you the happiest.

Step 4: Have Fun

Play around with the orientation of some books. Place some little trinkets around your books to bring life to it and really bring it all together.