Introduction: Origami Flaping Bird
Today im going to so you how to make a origami fllaping bird.
Step 1: The Begining
Take a square sheet of paper, fold it in half diagonally to make a crease and unfold
Step 2: Step 2
Fold the paper along the other diagonal and unfold.
Step 3:
Turn the paper over.Fold the paper in half downward and unfold.
Step 4:
Fold the paper in half sideways and unfold.
Step 5:
Fold downward along the creases you made.
Step 6:
Fold the bottom side edges to meet the center line.
Step 7:
Fold the top corner downward and unfold.
Step 8:
Unfold the side corners.
Step 9: The Tricky Part
Open the top layer of the bottom corner.And you shod have somthing that looks like on the picture.
Step 10: The Second Tricky Part
Fold it and open the bottom corner.
Step 11:
Now then fold the bottom parts upward and fold back.
Step 12:
Fold both bottom parts inward.
Step 13:
Fold the tip downward and unfold.
Step 14:
Expand the tip and fold it inward.
Step 15:
Fold the first wing downward to the right slantwise.Do the same with the second wing
Step 16: The Finishing Tuches
Expand the bird.
Step 17: Thats It
Grab it by its neck and tail and pull it.Hope you ejojed follow my and tell you friends