Introduction: Origami Lotus Flower

About: Studying Electrical Engineering at Iowa State University.
Note: You don't have to use paper. You can also use a napkin for a small table decoration. Napkins also don't tear as easily as paper.

Step 1: Normal Square Piece of Paper

Step 2: Fold and Unfold Diagonally Both Ways As Shown Along Dotted Line

Step 3: Bring All Corners to the Middle As Shown Along the Dotted Lines

Step 4: Should End Up With This

Step 5: Bring All Corners to the Middle Again Show by the Dotted Lines

Step 6: Should End Up With This

Step 7: Flip Over

Step 8: Bring All Corners to the Middle Again As Shown by the Dotted Lines

Step 9: Again End Up With This

Step 10: Bring Underneath Flap Out

Step 11: Gently Push in the Corner to Make a Leaf

Step 12: Should Look Like This

It doesn't have to be perfect! :)

Step 13: Repeat

Step 14: Bring Underneath Flap That's Between the Pedals Out and Up

Step 15: General Idea of What the Sides Look Like

Don't pull to hard or your flower will come apart!

Step 16: Repeat and Done!