Introduction: Ozobee Ecosystem and Garden Game

Students are always excited to use technology and play games in the classroom. This activity uses Ozobots to play a game that can be tied into many grade levels but works the best with the 8th-grade ecosystem curriculum while also opening up a door to practice graphing, analyzing data, and drawing conclusions from gathered data and other subtopics. Also if Tinkercad is used the topic of geometry is also covered.

I am a STEAM teacher and I do this activity with a focus on coding while hiding science and data through the game, but it can be used with the reverse focus as well using it as a science unit and hiding coding and robotics in a science integrated unit.

Topics covered:

Ecosystems: types of pollinators, how pollinators pollinate plants

Reading informational text: Pollinator readings/ research

Geometry: Creating 3D pollinators for Ozobot, positive and negative space (tinkercad)

Coding: putting instructions into Ozoblockly to code Ozobot.... also includes problem-solving

Data and data collection: students collect data while playing the game. This data is then graphed and analyzed.

Graphing and interpreting graphs: during data analysis the class graphs the data collected and then the students use the graphs to help draw conclusions.


Supplies needed:


-Printed bee or pollinator (if using for the game but not required)

-Garden Map

-Datasheet for the game

-Digital device for using ozoblockly

-Class datasheet

Step 1: Ozobot Bee in the Garden Game

Preparation for Ozobee pollination game

1.To play game students and teacher need a basic understanding of how Ozobots work and how to use Ozoblockly. How to video posted below.

2. To make the game more interesting to the user it helps to either print the Ozobee out (file below) that was created in Tinkercad or the instructor can have the students create their own flying pollinator off the basic "Ozobot Character" file. To create their own the student needs to either be given a list of types of pollinators or they can research what types of flying insects pollinate flowers. Then the student would attempt to do their best to recreate the pollinator in Tinkercad.

Ozobee File:

Basic template to create pollinator off of... this fits on the Ozobot if size or scale not changed

3. Map of the Garden needs to be printed. It can be printed on basic 8.5x11 paper but the larger the better. The size we have settled on is 18x24. If this is not an option the 8.5x11 student will just have a smaller playing area.

4. Data collection sheet/ score sheet needs to be printed out, one per student.

Step 2: How to Create Pollinator in Tinkercad ( Optional... If Students Are Creating Their Pollinator)

Assuming students know how to use Tinkercad and have an account, students will either be supplied a list of pollinators or be required to research what types of insects pollinate plants.....

Example document with a list of pollinators:

*If they do not know how to use Tinkercad have students create an account, go through the tutorials, and make at least one sample project. I always have them create a character that demonstrates the ability to use positive and negative space example student made character below...

Creating pollinator:

1. Students open basic character file in Tinkercad (posted below).

2. Without editing pre-created file students add required pieces using both positive and negative space to make their pollinator.

3. When the pollinator is complete instructor will need to critique them knowing if they will be able to be printed or not based on how they are created.

Step 3: Introduction or Review of Ozoblockly

To play the game students will load code onto Ozobot using Ozoblockly. OzoBlockly gives you the power to control your Ozobot's movement. Powered by Google’s Blockly, OzoBlockly uses icon-based blocks that when loaded onto Ozbot it will perform coded instructions.

Introduction to Ozoblockly video:

After students know the basics of Ozoblockly students understanding should be checked by requiring them to load movement code onto the Ozobot to complete an assigned task such as "Make your Ozobot move from the Start Point to box #18 and then have them spin around in box #18".

Step 4: Ozobee Game

Game Overview:

Using Ozoblockly, code your Ozobot from the start point where you insect entered the map to the different plant plots. Each plot will have its own point value. Within a specified amount of time (time is chosen by the instructor. Suggested between 20-45 min) collect the most points possible and record your data onto the score sheet. To get the points your Ozobot must pause with the majority of your bot inside the box and then return back to the start point and stop in the start point circle.

Game Instructions:

After your ozobot has been calibrated and Ozoblockly has been opened the game will begin.

1. When the timer starts enter the code into Ozoblockly. After the code has been entered into Ozoblockly load created code onto the Ozobot and run the code.

- If successful…….

(Ozobot paused in a plant plot and returned to start point)

1.Tally points on the score sheet

2. Two options are available

1. Make a new code to go to another plant plot


2. Send Ozobot back out to collect again from same plant plot.

(you can not collect pollen from the same plant plot more than 2 times in a row.)

- If unsuccessful…..

1. Edit Ozoblockly code and then reload new code onto Ozobot and try again.

Game Overview

Step 5: End of Game and Using Game Data

End of Game:

Tally points: When the time is up or students have used their 10 trips out of the hive students tally their total points. Each box on the map has different point values due to the difficulty to get to from the start point. Using the table on the right students total up points collected during the game.

Students/ groups reflect on the game: Students on the back of the data sheet reflect on how the game went. What went well, what did not go so well, how they could do better, why did they go to the boxes they went to,....?

*** if time permits possibly do another rotation of the game now that students have had an opportunity to play it. This gives them the opportunity to learn from the first time they played and correct some mistakes. This also might give better data to use later in this step

Game data: (using game data to learn how to analyze data scientifically)

When the game has ended and students have game data sheets filled out the class will share their individual data creating a large data set. As a class, fill out class data sheet as a class having students then copy down class data. Students then either on their own or in student groups graph the class data and answer the follow-up questions. When students are done answering questions instruction facilitates class conversation about results from classroom data and questions on the sheet.

*Instructor should attempt to guide students to draw an overall concluding statement about the class data and why they might have got those results.