Introduction: PCB LED Flower

About: Civil marine engineer

PCB designing it is my hobby. Usually, I did something for myself only, but some time ago my wife asks me for anything beautiful for her.

And soon I designed this flower. It's the first time I use an Attiny processor, and it was just another experiment for me.

All flower's petals have his own microcontroller with 12 LED connected in charlieplexing order. And this microcontrollers to be controlled by 1-wire protocol.

The flower still not finished, I should write new code to control all LED separately. For now, I can only light up all LEDs simultaneously.

Before starting this project, you should know how to solder smd and how to program ATtiny microcontroller.

If you like the flower you can easily make it, just follow the next steps:

Step 1: Order PCB

This PCB contains all needed to complete one flower - 6 petals and 2 central part (one red and one yellow for your choice).

You can download and send a zip file or order it directly from Seeed studio. The PCB penalized but you should cut out all items by your self. It's easy to do by Dremel tools.

Or download attached PCB files for EAGLE and order separate ones.

Thickness I ordered was 1 mm.

Step 2: Prepare Tools and Spare Parts

To assemble PCB you need next tools:

  1. Solder;
  2. Tweezers;
  3. PCB holder;
  4. Soldering flux;
  5. Solder wire;

Spare parts:

  1. ATtiny85, SMD: SOIC - 6 pcs; (or ATtiny45 - but not tested);
  2. LEDs, SMD: 0603, red color - 72 pcs; (or other colors, but same on one PCB);
  3. Wires;

For programming:

  1. Anything that you like to programming ATtiny - Arduino, AVRISP or others
  2. Clips for in-circuit Programming or SOIC8 Programming adapter
  3. Arduino soft and Attiny library

Step 3: Assemble One Petal

After cutting out petals from PCB fix it in your PCB holder, apply the soldering flux on pads for LEDs and solder all LEDs. Be caution the LEDs should point with green cathode mark to outside.

Next, if you have clips for programming in place (recommended) then first fix the PCB for another side, apply flux for pads for attiny chip and solder it in its place. Be caution to pay attention to the orientation of chip's mark.

If you prefer to use the adaptor for programming microcontroller, you should first load code as described in the next step and then solder it.

Step 4: Upload Code

Connect the programmer to your computer and fit the clips on the chip and upload the attached code to a microcontroller.

All LEDs should light up constantly.

Repeat previous and this steps for all petals.

Step 5: Assemble the Flower (outside Part)

At first solder two petal side by side, two side holes should be one over other, so you can insert one wire V(+). One (or all) of this wire will be used for power supply.

One by one fix all petals in a circle.

Step 6: Assemble the Flower (inner Part)

Now take the central PCB and solder wire in 6 bigger outside holes, this is V(-) or GND. Then insert all 6 wires to petal's holes for V(-) and solder it.

You can use these wires for powering PCB, or cut out and add some wires to central holes, it will form a flower stalk.

Power up this PCB with 2.7 - 5.5V. All LEDs should light up. If not check all connections between PCBs.

Step 7: Finish

Use your imagination to finish this project.

I used some Christmas toy with a battery holder for 2xAAA batteries. As a grass, I use old PCB.

It's my first Instructables project and it still not finished.

So ask me questions and be ready for updates.

PCB Contest

First Prize in the
PCB Contest