Introduction: PS3 Controlled Nomad 4 Wheel Drive Truck
PS3 Controlled Truck
Step 1: Build Nomad 4 Wheel Drive Truck
Step 2: Add an Arduino UNO, USB Host Controller, and Motor Shield
Step 3: Connect the Motors, and Bluetooth Dongle
Connect the 4 motors to the motor shield( use the Monster Moto shield from sparkfun). Then connect the Bluetooth dongle to the USB host shield
Step 4: Check PS3 Bluetooth Connectivity
Use the PS3 library only
Step 5: Add the Motor Code Too the PS3 Code
Step 6: USB Debugging on PS3 BT
Enabling debugging
Step 1: Open setting.h from the USB Host Shield Library
Step 2: Enable debugging by changing 0 to 1
Step 7: Coding
Map the up and down movements(Y) on the PS3 joystick(only one of them) to forward speed and backward speed
Map the left and right movements(X) on the PS3 joystick(the other one) to left and right turns( they will both turn on and off the differnt motors respectively.