Introduction: Pac Man Pumpkins

About: I am an engineer and product designer living in Seattle, WA
Pac Man, ghosts, pellets, and cherries. The Pac Man and ghosts are carved from Sugar Pie pumpkins. The Pac Man was carved on it side so I could retain that round shape. The pellets are just small gourd pumkins turned on their sides. The cherries are made from two crab apples painted red and some 8 guage wire. The pumpkins are mounted on dowels on a board. I used flourescent acrylics to paint the pumkins so they would glow when lit with a black light. Paint was applied with a home-made airbrush made from a paint canister/pen/dust-off canister. For scale, the Pac Man is approx. 10 inches tall.
DIY Halloween Contest

Second Prize in the
DIY Halloween Contest