Introduction: Paleo Goddess Egg Muffins

About: Feast or Famine I Always Say, Enjoy Your Food The Paleo Way!

Everyone's been talking about it and I'm going to show you how to make them!

Paleo Egg Muffins

This recipe makes about 6-9 muffins.

▪ 6 eggs ▪ (pasture raised eggs like #VitalFarms if you can find them – not to be confused with pasteurized eggs) ▪ A little coconut oil, olive oil or grass-fed butter to line the muffin tins with

▪ Sea salt + pepper to taste

▪ Any Meat/ Vegetables You like— I used the following in this video: Bacon, Cilantro, green onion and kale, tomatoes - 1/4 cup of each

Pre-heat oven to 350. Lightly grease muffin tins with coconut oil, olive oil or grass-fed butter.

Chop veggies/meat

Whisk eggs well in a large bowl, add sea salt + pepper. Add meat and/veggies

Pour into muffin tins. Bake for 20-25 mins, until eggs are fully cooked through. Check with a toothpick.


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