Introduction: Pallet CUP Lamp

About: OSFurniture - Unique handcrafted art from sustainable reclaimed wood. Panama #TheGoodWoodKlan +info:
A simple wood box with cups and bulbs. Pretty awesome

Step 1: The Box

I found this wooden frame so I just cut them and sand them to make this 5 faces boxes.

Step 2: Stain

I used this stain called CAOBILLA, or wengue or dark chocolate (this is how the client want it)

Step 3: Cups

I have a dremel so I took a diamond head bit and made a hole in a plate and in the cup. It's pretty hard but with patience it's good. Also I need it 2 bits, also 2 sockets an cable

Step 4: Final

I really hate electrical connections but this was really simple.

They were super light and easy to install