Introduction: Paper Clip Skateboard
I'm going to teach you how to make a paper clip skateboard. My mom said I couldn't use the camera so the pictures are all in paint. SORRY!!! The board is good for resturants and school.
Step 1: Materials
What you need...
- A Paperclip (works best with big ones)
- Your Teeth (sorry Grampa!!!)
- Your Hands
- Your Index and Middle Fingers
- A Paperclip (works best with big ones)
- Your Teeth (sorry Grampa!!!)
- Your Hands
- Your Index and Middle Fingers
Step 2: Marking Your Spot.
Right were the Inner-Paper Clip bends and the sraight parts end , mark in your mind. It will make both ends even.
Step 3: Bending the Ends
Put your thumb on 1 of the spots you marked in your Nogin. Bite the ends and lift up. Do the same with the other side. If there not even do it again lightly. The angle is up to you, but it should be sort of high so you can ollie (I still can't on the P.C.B. but on Tech Decks I can).
Step 4: The Tricks
The tricks I can do so far are... well I can only really do 1
(pop-suvit) but sometimes I can accidentaly do weird tricks like 'Varials, 360 Flips, and sometimes Kickflips and Heelflips.
(pop-suvit) but sometimes I can accidentaly do weird tricks like 'Varials, 360 Flips, and sometimes Kickflips and Heelflips.
Step 5: Your Done
Thanks for reading my 3rd instructable!!! Please comment, rate and tell me what tricks you can do.