Introduction: Paper Plant Pot

This is a sturdy, bio-degradable pot for planting succulents!


  • stack of newspapers (about individual 15 sheets)
  • ruler
  • pencil
  • scissors
  • some binder clips
  • 2 tablespoons of flour
  • 2 cups of cold water

Step 1: Prepare the Paper Mache Mixture

This will serve as the liquid adhesive for the pot.


  • 2 tablespoons of flour
  • 2 cups of cod water

Mix the flour and water together in a saucepan. Bring the mixture to a boil for one minute while stirring continuously. Remove from heat and allow it to cool completely before using.

Step 2: Measure and Cut Paper

Using the following measurements, mark the bottom edge of a sheet of newspaper at the measurement for Layer 1, then cut straight across.

Note: The measurements that I give will make a pot that is about 11 cm tall and 15 cm wide at it widest point.

Layer | circumference (cm)

10 -------- 39

9 ---------- 42

8 ---------- 45

7 ---------- 46

6 ---------- 47

5 ---------- 46

4 ---------- 44

3 ---------- 42

2 ---------- 39

1 ---------- 36

Step 3: Roll the Newspaper Tightly

Next, roll the newspaper into a very tight bundle. It helps to start by folding a 1 inch strip at the bottom. Fold this strip over until you reach the halfway point of the newspaper. Then, fold the 1 inch strip in on itself, a few times, in order to make a very tight bundle that you can start rolling with. Use the binder clips to keep sections of the paper still while you roll. When you are done, it should be about 1 cm wide.

Step 4: Curl the Newspaper Stick Into a Circle

Bend the stick so that it makes a circle. Try to make this circle as even as possible. Lopsided shapes will be difficult to work with later on. Use the paper mache paste to glue down loose flaps of paper.

Step 5: Connect the Circle

To connect, shove one end of the circle into the other and hold in place. Note: it helps if there's a small protrusion of paper from rolling at an angle.

Dip a strip of paper, about 1 1/2 in wide, in paper mache, and wipe off the excess. Wrap this paper around the connection enough times so that the joint is secure but not too bulky.

Step 6: Repeat Steps 2 - 5

Repeat Steps 2 through 5 for each layer of the pot.

Step 7: Make the Base of the Pot

Roll a full sheet of newspaper as you did in Step 3. Paste down the loose edge with paper mache. Curl the newspaper roll, using the inside of the Layer 1 circle as a mold. Continue rolling sheets of newspaper and packing them tightly into a spiral until there is no more room.

Step 8: Prepare to Weave

Cut a full sized piece of newspaper into 8 strips that will fully and evenly cover the circumference of Layer 1, (I used 1 3/4 in strips). Carefully remove the spiral base (Note: The paper mache paste should keep the base intact when you remove it). Fold the 8 strips of paper around the circumference as shown above. Re-insert the spiral base, which will secure the weaving strips.

Step 9: Add a Sheet of Paper to the Base

Trace the shape of the base and weaving strips onto a separate sheet of newspaper. Cut out the shape and paste it to the top of the base and weaving strips. This will serve as a little extra support, so that soil won't fall through.

Step 10: Weave Each Layer

Add each layer, one at a time, while alternating which weaving flaps are tucked on the inside. Use the paste to glue the weaving strips to the rim of each layer as you go.

Step 11: Remove the Excess Paper

Cut all leftover strips, to around 1 cm. Tuck and paste them into the creases between layers.

Step 12: Finishing Touches: Fill in Gaps, Loose Edges

Use strips of paper, dipped in paste, to cover gaps on the inside of the pot.

If any weaving strips are poking out on the sides, saturate them with paper mache and press them down.

Step 13: Ready to Use!

Your pot is ready to use! Make sure not to over water your succulents, or else the pot will get soft and your plant will die. In addition, you can add a cloth to the bottom of the pot to catch excess moisture before it reaches the base.