Introduction: K'nex Paper Plane Launcher

In this project, I will be making a K'nex paper plane launcher.

It will feature an electric launching system and some sort of foldable thingy.

In this instructable I will be guiding you to make your own launcher.


Must have:

  • Electric launching
  • Handle to hold it

Should have:

  • Hinge for something
  • led-light for something

Could have:

  • Multiple plane holder

Would like to have:

  • Automated launching

Step 1: Requirements

To make a K'nex paper plane launcher, you will need a few things.


  1. small wood planks
  2. K'nex electro-motor or another way of powering it (drill).
  3. Lots of K'nex pieces
  4. rubber wheels
  5. Paper planes


  1. 3d printer
  2. laser-cutter or a saw
  3. glue gun

Step 2: Constructing It

I recommend not using K'nex to build a paper plane launcher, as it is fairly ineffective and not very stable.

I happend to have some sort of handle from an old K'nex set, which probably isn't available anymore. As an alternative for the handle, you could build some sort of tube to hold.

The start

(This is only how I would start building. Any shape/way is possible.)

I recommend starting around the K'nex motor, it has some pins to place some K'nex on as a steady base. From there, build away to make some sort of handle.


I happend to have some gears, which came in handy because I only had one working motor. By placing a gear on each end, it created a way to only use one motor.

By trial and error, I stumbled on a way to get another gear on the main gears and on which I could place the wheels which will power the plane.

Finishing touch

Next up, some stability was needed to not have it collapse. This is also some trial and error.

I added a small bit of wood on top to smooth it off a bit(sticked it with tape as I plan to take it apart and would like to reuse it sometime.

And again, any way of building this is possible! Thats the fun of K'nex!

Step 3: Final Words

Personally, I would rather use an non-K'nex motor, as it just doesn't have the power to accelerate. The same goes for the rest of the construct.

As a student, I tried to be as conservative as possible and though of K'nex as a way to build the launcher.

A lesson has been learnt.

If I had found the K'nex motor earlier, I would have not used K'nex.

Although it is possible to mount an electrical drill to it, I would not recommend to do so, as K'nex is made of plastic and could break easily. At a low RPM, it could suffice but any high amount of RPM is a no-go.

For making the wooden planks, I've used a laser cutter. Hand sawing would do just fine too.

A 3d printer could be used to add something to smooth a few things off.

A led light could create some sort of pointing device.