Introduction: Papier Mache "Very Hungry Caterpillar"

About: I designed houses and small commercial buildings for many years. I've retired now and took a class on papier mache, found I loved it, and am now trying different projects. I would like to make beautiful, fun…

I made a papier mache "Very Hungry Caterpillar" for a little guy's first birthday party.  It measures about 53" long, 34" tall and 10" side.  I used balls of newspaper as forms for the segments and after partially covering them with  papier mache strips, pulled the balls of paper out so the segments were hollow.  That was to keep the weight down for shipping.  It took about a month to make him as I could put a couple layers of papier mache on him, then had to let him dry for a day or two.  I made a homemade glue from flour, cornstarch, water and a little vinegar to retard mold.  I used acrylic paints mixed to give the blue/green colors and his gorgeous red head, then used non-toxic satin Mod-Podge as a sealer.  He was a big hit at the party!

Maker Moms Contest

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Maker Moms Contest