Introduction: Parachuting Doll
As an older brother, I spent a lot of my time trying to annoy my little sister. One of the most effective ways that I discovered was to parachute her dolls from the second floor.
Today I'll teach you how to parachute a doll with everyday household items.
**You can build a parachuting doll just for fun and not solely to annoy your sister.
Doll (go wild, preferably not a porcelain doll those tend to break even with a decent parachute)
String X2
Small plastic bag
Step 1: Create a Loop in the String
Step 2: Tie One End of the String to the Doll
Step 3: Tie the Other End of the String to the Plastic Bag
Step 4: Toss the Doll From a High Place
and behold its glory
Step 5: Optional: Try Not to Hit Something on the Way
this is how Not to do it