Introduction: Parking Sensor With Arduino and Ofcourse HC-SR04 :)
Hello dear friends;
In this project i have tried to explain how to make Parking Sensor with an Arduino
.I know this is very common project but i 've made some changes.I 've added Custom characters and LOADING Effect on LCD SCREEN.Also when the distance between object and hc-sr04 sensor changing, there is different custom charecters occur on the LCD.
If you still don't know how to make these effects or custom characters on 16x2 LCD please check out my this article and video. It is taught very detailed in this video by me :CLICK HERE .(Video Language is Turkish because of my main language.However you guys will understand what i trying to understand,because i explained everything as detailed.)
Required materiels:
x1 Arduino UNO
x1 HC-SR04
x1 16x2 LCD SCREEN
x1 Buzzer
x1 Breadboard
All the codes(arduino) and circuit diagram (fritzing) has been uploaded here and on github(some kind of Turkish letters if you use github link):Codes and circuit(fritzing) from github CLICK
If you guys like my projects and if they help, please LIKE my videos so that i understand they are helpful and keep going for new projects :)
If any question or suggestion, here or on YouTube channel please... Good Luck,Have Fun!
Sorry for my English if i made mistakes :/