Introduction: Pasty Making With the Whole Family!

We make these pasties with the whole family. Everyone gets involved if they want to eat one. They are delicious! We made the video for friends of ours in Canada because they did not know what they were and wanted to know how to make them. We actually all got together again today to make them because my sister is going to meet up with her husband who is working out of town and he wanted pasties. These are great hot or cold.
Make sure you follow the recipe, like cutting up the vegetables about a 1/4 inch before mixing them together and for the crust, make sure the water is ice cold.
This recipe has been passed down for many generations in my family. Actually, we all learned from our moms and grandmothers how to make them. The recipe was never written down, my mom and grandma never followed a recipe for these. They had to make them in order to write the recipe down. The younger generation helps out too, they love making pasties as well as eating them.
We hope you enjoy these as much as our family does. 
We also have made these bite sized for finger foods for a large party. Roll the dough of the crust to about 5 inch diameter. Put approximately 2 tablespoons of vegetable and meat mixture on top of crust. "Flip and tuck" just like the larger ones. This makes about 150-200 small bite size pasties. They do not need to be cooked as long, once the crust is a golden brown, take them out of the oven. Approximately 1/2 an hour. This is a great snack food for "on the go" or on a picnic.
Maker Moms Contest

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Maker Moms Contest

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