Introduction: Mini Pcb Cutter

About: radom diy projects

diy a mini pcb cutter

Step 1: Meterials

i use meterials from printer,hdd,cd rom.

1,2 are from a 2.5'' hdd

3 is from a cd rom

4 is from a printer

Step 2: Disk Holder

  • place the ball bearing to the axis (must be fit perfectly)
  • add instant glue carefully
  • place (the other thing with the screw) (must be fit perfectly)

Step 3: Bearing Holder

  • place the motor
  • make a paper mold and fill it with hot glue (attention to the ball bearing)
  • place off the paper mold

Step 4: Cover

  • screw 4 screws (adjust the right height)
  • place 4 magnets at the top off the screws
  • find a nice plastic for cover and glue it with hot glue to the magnets

Step 5: End

  • connect it with a power supply.
  • the motor must run opposite the disc's screw

this runs on 32v (printer's power supply/motor)