Introduction: Peltier Cannon Water Bottle

About: le Libre choix de savoir et de le dire aux outres

For the camping,office,garden.......1,5 L of your preferred drink.......

run with 12 volt battery or solar panel......

easy to build,all pic is better of my english.....have fun !! :)

Step 1: Material

A metal box,tobacco box,12 volt fan, a peltier module,polystyrene.

Step 2: Assembly

i fix the Peltier module in the base of metallic box with her base (aluminium).

i join the radiator and some polystyrene around,between the metallic box and the module,fix with scotch.

After,i roll some sheets around the metallic box for isolated thermic internal/external.

i join a fan pc,not necessary if you use a little solar panel......Necessary if you use 12 volt (28 watt)

Step 3: The Caps

i joined two tobacco box with scotch and her caps in one side.

same procedure for isolate the box with polystyrene....scotch.....

Step 4: Join a Bottle of Water and 12 Volt

Cin Cin...........brrrrrrrrrr.........

20 minutes with a battery 12 volt ,9 ah for charge.....after you pass with a simple solar panel 12 volt (like photo)

to maintain the agreeable temperature...fresh temperature......

a potentiometer,maybe,is a solution to economy the battery energy if you stay all the time on battery........

Thank's for watch......

shure,if you have questions,post here........bye from Paris......

Step 5:

Summer #mikehacks Contest

Participated in the
Summer #mikehacks Contest