Introduction: Perfect Chicken Parm

My family's Amazing Chicken Parm recipe! We have been eating this since I was born.

Step 1: Ingredients

Olive oil
Chicken Breasts 
Marinara sauce
Bread Crumbs 

Step 2: Set Up

Have 3 plates ready with flour first, then beaten egg, then the bread crumbs. Pre-heat your oven to 350. Put your olive oil in a pan and heat. Slice your mozzarella and have your sauce ready

Step 3: The Big Dip

Take your chicken and coat in the following order. Flour, egg, breadcrumbs. Place them on a plate or right into the pan.

Step 4: Frying Your Goods

Place each slice of breaded chicken into the frying pan, wait about 8-11 minutes (I use thick chicken) and flip for another 7-9 minutes or until cooked. You want both sides to be browned. Cut through the center to see if done. 

Step 5: Baking Your Stuff

Spread a small amount of sauce on bottom of roasting dish. Smother your chicken with sauce and top with mozzarella. Put your chicken into a preheated oven at 350°. Bake for 20 minutes, the sauce should be hot and the cheese melted.

Step 6: Enjoy It!

I enjoyed mine with a little cuke and tomato salad with vinegar and olive oil, a nice slice of bread, and little tomato mozzarella salad thingys.

Cuke and tomato salad: mix cucumbers and tomato's together. add dressing

Slice of bread: Cut bread into slices, eat!

Tomato Mozzarella: Slice the tomato and mozzarella, add basil and olive oil!

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