Introduction: Personal Magnets

About: Grow some hair on your chest and down a Bean and Cheese Stout !!
Easy and fun DIY magnets for everyone!!

Step 1: Simple Supplies

For this simple fun easy project, you will need;

~Heavy duty scissors

~Awesome cut outs of your favored images

~Glue stick

~Clear nail polish


~Worthless magnet

Step 2: Cutting, Tracing, and Placing.

~Choose your favorite most awesome pictures and cut them out

~Place the image on the magnet

~Trace very carefully with bold lines along the image with a pencil

~Now that you have all of your images traced, take the scissors and cut along the outlines

~Finally, apply glue stic glue on magnet & back of image as well. Smooth out any wrinkles or imperfections that may have persist while applying image on magnet.

*There will be some extra trim of magnet around the image, back track a bit to trim the border so the image fits right on top of the magnet piece (basically over-lapping over the magnet)

Step 3: Coating Our Personal Magnets

~Apply a glob 'o clear nail polish on image and along edges, but MAKE HASTE because polish will dry & get sticky quickly.

~Once you are complete with coating your personal magnets, set aside in dry cool isolated area for an hour or so.

~Cherish your Personal Magnet and share the love with someone you love.

* Be sure the nail polish is semi liquidy, if nail polish is too gooey and stiff then the coating process will not be complete. Instead, the outcome being streaky & uneven.