Introduction: Pet Wars

  1. Create a new text document.
  2. Save it as ".bat" or ".cmd".
  3. Copy and paste the code below into it.


echo off
title Pet World color 09 mode con cols=90 mode con lines=30 setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION goto start

:start cls echo. Echo: What is your name? echo. set /p name=. Name: set money=0 set lvl=1 set focus=2 set full=5 set /a hp=%lvl% * %full% set /a at=%lvl% * %focus% set wal=Small-bag set limet=100 cls echo. echo. Echo: Hello %name%! echo. pause >> nul cls echo. echo. echo: What pet would you like? echo. pause >> nul goto choose

:choose set pet=Pigeon set at1n=Fly set at2n=Poop color f0 cls echo. Echo -------------------------------- echo: %pet% echo -------------------------------- echo. echo Would you like a %pet%? echo. echo Type Y for Yes echo. echo Type N for NO echo. choice /c yn >> nul if %errorlevel%==1 goto city set pet=Gold-fish set at1n=Swim set at2n=Bubble color 96 cls echo. Echo -------------------------------- echo: %pet% echo -------------------------------- echo. echo Would you like a %pet%? echo. echo Type Y for Yes echo. echo Type N for NO echo. choice /c yn >> nul if %errorlevel%==1 goto city set pet=Monkey set at1n=Climb set at2n=Swing color 20 cls echo. Echo -------------------------------- echo: %pet% echo -------------------------------- echo. echo Would you like a %pet%? echo. echo Type Y for Yes echo. echo Type N for NO echo. choice /c yn >> nul if %errorlevel%==1 goto city set pet=Gecko set at1n=Climb set at2n=Loose_tail color 8a cls echo. Echo -------------------------------- echo: %pet% echo -------------------------------- echo. echo Would you like a %pet%? echo. echo Type Y for Yes echo. echo Type N for NO echo. choice /c yn >> nul if %errorlevel%==1 goto city set pet=Poney set at1n=Gallop set at2n=Sprint color 8f cls echo. Echo -------------------------------- echo: %pet% echo -------------------------------- echo. echo Would you like a %pet%? echo. echo Type Y for Yes echo. echo Type N for NO echo. choice /c yn >> nul if %errorlevel%==1 goto city set pet=Squid set at1n=Swim set at2n=Ink color 30 cls echo. Echo -------------------------------- echo: %pet% echo -------------------------------- echo. echo Would you like a %pet%? echo. echo Type Y for Yes echo. echo Type N for NO echo. choice /c yn >> nul if %errorlevel%==1 goto city set pet=Rock set at1n=Rock set at2n=Roll color 70 cls echo. Echo -------------------------------- echo: %pet% echo -------------------------------- echo. echo Would you like a %pet%? echo. echo Type Y for Yes echo. echo Type N for NO echo. choice /c yn >> nul if %errorlevel%==1 goto city goto choose

:city set /a need=100 - %money% color 09 cls echo. echo. Echo 1 - Home echo 2 - Battle echo 3 - Upgrade echo 4 - Store echo. choice /c 1234 >> nul if %errorlevel%==1 goto home if %errorlevel%==2 goto battle if %errorlevel%==3 goto upgrade if %errorlevel%==4 goto store

:home color 0b cls Echo. echo. echo: Name %name% echo __________________________________________ echo. echo. echo: Pet %pet% echo. echo: Level %lvl% echo. echo: Money %money%/ %limet% echo. echo: Storage %wal% pause >> nul goto city

:battle set /a r=%random% %%!41 +0 if %r%==0 ( set wild=Fly set wlvl=1 ) if %r%==1 ( set wild=Crab set wlvl=1 ) if %r%==2 ( set wild=Jelly_fish set wlvl=2 ) if %r%==3 ( set wild=Rat set wlvl=1 ) if %r%==4 ( set wild=Fox set wlvl=3 ) if %r%==5 ( set wild=Scorpion set wlvl=6 ) if %r%==6 ( set wild=Spider set wlvl=8 ) if %r%==7 ( set wild=Snake set wlvl=4 ) if %r%==8 ( set wild=Salamander set wlvl=5 ) if %r%==9 ( set wild=Piranha set wlvl=9 ) if %r%==10 ( set wild=Slug set wlvl=2 ) if %r%==11 ( set wild=Banana-Slug set wlvl=12 ) if %r%==12 ( set wild=Red-Butt-Baboon set wlvl=11 ) if %r%==13 ( set wild=Blue-Butt-Baboon set wlvl=11 ) if %r%==14 ( set wild=Purple-Butt-Baboon set wlvl=21 ) if %r%==15 ( set wild=Moth set wlvl=1 ) if %r%==16 ( set wild=Giant-Crab set wlvl=23 ) if %r%==17 ( set wild=Racoon set wlvl=7 ) if %r%==18 ( set wild=Humming-Bird set wlvl=13 ) if %r%==19 ( set wild=Angler-Fish set wlvl=24 ) if %r%==20 ( set wild=Bear set wlvl=9 ) if %r%==21 ( set wild=Elephant set wlvl=10 ) if %r%==22 ( set wild=Penguin set wlvl=7 ) if %r%==23 ( set wild=Seal set wlvl=9 ) if %r%==24 ( set wild=Rhino set wlvl=14 ) if %r%==25 ( set wild=Killer-Whale set wlvl=30 ) if %r%==26 ( set wild=Kangaroo set wlvl=12 ) if %r%==27 ( set wild=Owl set wlvl=8 ) if %r%==28 ( set wild=Lion set wlvl=15 ) if %r%==29 ( set wild=Frog set wlvl=2 ) if %r%==30 ( set wild=Giant-Chicken set wlvl=43 ) if %r%==31 ( set wild=Bat set wlvl=13 ) if %r%==32 ( set wild=Seagull set wlvl=9 ) if %r%==33 ( set wild=Deer set wlvl=13 ) if %r%==34 ( set wild=Moose set wlvl=24 ) if %r%==35 ( set wild=Falcon set wlvl=25 ) if %r%==36 ( set wild=Griffin set wlvl=57 ) if %r%==37 ( set wild=Fairy set wlvl=33 ) if %r%==38 ( set wild=Panther set wlvl=13 ) if %r%==39 ( set wild=Ender-Dragon set wlvl=78 ) if %r%==40 ( set wild=Ather-Dragon set wlvl=87 ) if %r%==41 ( set wild=Sea-cucumber set wlvl=1 ) set /a wat=%wlvl% * 2 set /a whp=%wlvl% * 5 goto attack

:attack set /a at=%lvl% * %focus% set /a wat=%wlvl% * 2 color 02 cls echo. echo. echo ---------------------------- echo: %wild% echo ---------------------------- echo: Level (%wlvl%) echo: Health (%whp% ) echo. echo. echo. echo. echo ---------------------------- echo: %pet% echo ---------------------------- echo Level (%lvl% ) echo Health (%hp% ) echo. echo. echo. echo 1- %at1n% echo. echo 2- %at2n% echo. echo 3- [RUN] echo. choice /c 123 >> nul if %errorlevel%==1 goto batt if %errorlevel%==2 goto batt if %errorlevel%==3 ( set /a hp=%lvl% * %full% goto city ) goto attack

:batt set /a whp-=%at% set /a hp-=%wat% if %whp% leq 0 goto win if %hp% leq 0 goto loose cls goto attack

:loose cls color 04 echo. echo. echo: You lost! pause >> nul set /a hp=%lvl% * %full% color 09 cls goto city

:win cls color 0a echo. echo. echo: You win! pause >> nul color 09 if %lvl% gtr 9999 ( set lvl=10000 set /a ham=%wat% * 3 set /a money+=%ham% set /a hp=%lvl% * %full% cls color 2b Echo. echo. echo. echo: Your %pet% is at max level! echo. echo. echo: Level - %lvl% Pause >> nul cls goto next ) set /a ham=%wat% * 3 set /a pork=%wat% / 2 set /a money+=%ham% set /a lvl+=%pork% set /a hp=%lvl% * %full% goto next

:next cls if %money% gtr %limet% ( set money=%limet% ) goto city

:upgrade if %money% lss 100 ( color 8f cls echo. echo. echo: Sorry, but you don't have enough money to upgrade. echo. echo. echo: You need %need% more dollars. pause >> nul goto city ) if %money% geq 100 goto check color 04 echo. echo. echo: ERROR pause >> nul exit

:check set dpet=%pet% set an=a cls if %pet%==Pigeon ( set pet=Hawk set at1n=Swoop set at2n=Tallons set /a money-=100 set lvl=1 goto goodtogo ) if %pet%==Hawk ( set pet=Eagle set at1n=Floop set an=an set atn2=Sharp-Beak set /a money-=100 set lvl=1 goto goodtogo ) if %pet%==Eagle ( set pet=Phoenix set at1n=Flaming-wings set at2n=Burning-sky set lvl=1 set /a money-=100 goto goodtogo ) if %pet%==Gold-fish ( set pet=Sun-fish set at1n=Sun-swim set at2n=Sun-bubble set lvl=1 set /a money-=100 goto goodtogo ) if %pet%==Sun-fish ( set pet=Tiger-shark set at1n=Chomp set at2n=Dun-Dun-Music set lvl=1 set /a money-=100 goto goodtogo ) if %pet%==Tiger-shark ( set pet=Sea-Monster set at1n=Sailer-eat set at2n=Lurk-under-sea set lvl=1 set /a money-=100 goto goodtogo ) if %pet%==Monkey ( set pet=Ape set at1n=Ooh-Ooh_Ahh-ahh set at2n=Swing-tree-to-tree set an=an set lvl=1 set /a money-=100 goto goodtogo ) if %pet%==Ape ( set pet=Gorilla set at1n=Hunter-bite set at2n=Tree-king set lvl=1 set /a money-=100 goto goodtogo ) if %pet%==Gorilla ( set pet=King-kong set at1n=Building-climb set at2n=Steal-damsel set lvl=1 set /a money-=100 goto goodtogo ) if %pet%==Gecko ( set pet=Alligator set at1n=Jaw-snap set at2n=Snap-jaw set an=an set lvl=1 set /a money-=100 goto goodtogo ) if %pet%==Alligator ( set pet=Crocodile set at1n=Jaw-chomp set at2n=Chomp-jaw set lvl=1 set /a money-=100 goto goodtogo ) if %pet%==Crocodile ( set pet=Dragon set at1n=Breath-fire set at2n=Lighten-sky set lvl=1 set /a money-=100 goto goodtogo ) if %pet%==Poney ( set pet=Pegasus set at1n=Flyyyyyyyy set at2n=Magic-wings set lvl=1 set /a money-=100 goto goodtogo ) if %pet%==Pegasus ( set pet=Unicorn set at1n=Macical-horn** set at2n=Magical-gallop** set lvl=1 set /a money-=100 goto goodtogo ) if %pet%==Unicorn ( set pet=Alicorn set at1n=Magical-Flyyyyy set at2n=Magic-rainbow-sky set an=an set lvl=1 set /a money-=100 goto goodtogo ) if %pet%==Squid ( set pet=Giant-Squid set at1n=Giant-ink set at2n=Giant-swim set lvl=1 set /a money-=100 goto goodtogo ) if %pet%==Giant-Squid ( set pet=Colossal-Squid set at1n=Colosal-ink set at2n=Colosal-swim set lvl=1 set /a money-=100 goto goodtogo ) if %pet%==Colossal-Squid ( set pet=Kracken set at1n=Darken-sea set at2n=Destroy-ships set lvl=1 set /a money-=100 goto goodtogo ) if %pet%==Rock ( set pet=Boulder set at1n=Tumble set at2n=Rockalanche set lvl=1 set /a money-=100 goto goodtogo ) if %pet%==Boulder ( set pet=Astroid set at1n=Plumet set at2n=Giant-space-rock set an=an set lvl=1 set /a money-=100 goto goodtogo ) if %pet%==Astroid ( set pet=Comet set at1n=Magic-star-dust-tail set at2n=Blow-up-planet set lvl=1 set /a money-=100 goto goodtogo ) cls color 69 echo. echo. echo: Your %pet% is maxed out echo. pause >> nul cls color 09 goto city

:goodtogo set lvl=1 set /a focus=%focus% * 2 set /a at=%lvl% * %focus% set /a full=%full% * 2 set /a hp=%lvl% * %full% cls color a9 echo. echo. echo. echo: Your %dpet% upgraded to %an% %pet% pause >> nul goto city

:store set /a nom=%limet% / 2 set /a slab=%nom% - %money% set dwal=%wal% cls if %money% lss %nom% ( color 8f echo. echo. echo: You need more money. echo. echo: You need %slab% more dolors. pause >> nul goto city ) if %money% geq %nom% goto newu

:newu cls if %wal%==Small-bag ( set wal=Medium-bag set limet=200 goto gbye ) if %wal%==Medium-bag ( set wal=Large-bag set limet=300 goto gbye ) if %wal%==Large-bag ( set wal=Small-chest set limet=400 goto gbye ) if %wal%==Small-chest ( set wal=Medium-chest set limet=500 goto gbye ) if %wal%==Medium-chest ( set wal=Large-chest set limet=600 goto gbye ) if %wal%==Large-chest ( set wal=Portal-pocket set limet=1000 goto gbye ) color 69 echo. echo. echo: You have a portal-pocket, what more do you need? pause >> nul goto city

:gbye set /a money-=%nom% cls color 69 echo. echo. echo: You upgraded your %dwal% to a %wal%. pause >> nul goto city