Introduction: Photoresistor Sensor With Arduino Hand Placard



Step 1: Components Required

- Arduino Uno board * 1

- USB cable * 1

- Photoresistor * 1

- Resistor * 12

- LED * 11

- Breadboard * 1

- Jumper wires

Step 2: Schematic Diagram


Step 3: Procedures


Step 4: Code

const int NbrLEDs = 11;//8 leds

const int ledPins[] = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12};//11 leds attach to pin 2-12 respectively (改 增加3顆LED燈

const int photocellPin = A0; //photoresistor attach to A0

int sensorValue = 0; // value read from the sensor

int ledLevel = 0; // sensor value converted into LED 'bars'

void setup()


for (int led = 0; led < NbrLEDs; led++)


pinMode(ledPins[led], OUTPUT);// make all the LED pins outputs



void loop()


sensorValue = analogRead(photocellPin); //read the value of A0

ledLevel = map(sensorValue, 1023, 350, 0, NbrLEDs); // map to the number of LEDs (改 將LED燈在光照下亮燈改為隨亮度漸暗LED燈會一個一個變亮)

for (int led = 0; led < NbrLEDs; led++)//


if (led < ledLevel ) //When led is smaller than ledLevel, run the following code.


digitalWrite(ledPins[led], HIGH); // turn on pins less than the level




digitalWrite(ledPins[led],LOW); // turn off pins higher than




Step 5: Final Arduino LED Hand Placard

