Introduction: Piña Colada Macaron Sandwich Cookies

Here's a recipe to make the most amazing french macarons! You can follow this recipe exactly or tweak it yourself! (This recipe makes around 19-24 macarons)


The ingredients you will need for the cookie are:

1. 1 cup Almond Flour

2. 1 3/4 cup Powdered Sugar

3. 3 egg whites

4. 1/4 cup Granulated Sugar

5. (Optional) Food Coloring

The ingredients you will need for the Buttercream are:

1. 12 tbsp Butter

2. 3 cups Powdered Sugar

3. 6 tbsp Coconut Butter or Cream

4. 1 tbsp Milk or Heavy Whipping Cream

The ingredients you will need for the filling are:

1. 1 cup Pureed Pineapple

2. 1/8 cup Granulated Sugar

3. A pinch of salt

Step 1: Pan Prep

Prep a baking sheet by lining the entire surface with parchment paper. Fold edges if needed.

Step 2: The Meringue

In a large mixing bowl are stand mixer/kitchen aid, sperate your 3 egg yolks. Once separated, whip with a whisk attachment for a stand mixer or beat with a handheld mixer until very foamy. Once you've reached that consistency gradually add in your 1/4 cup of granulated sugar. Whip the mixture until stiff peaks.

Step 3: Dry Ingredients

Once you have reached stiff peaks sift your 1 3/4 cup powdered sugar and 1 cup almond flour into the same bowl the meringue is in. Slowly fold the wet and dry ingredients making sure not to over mix. To prevent over mixing you want to fold the batter until it flows like ribbon.

Step 4: Piping the Batter

Fit a large piping bag with a round tip. Once that's done fill your piping bag with the batter. Pipe around 38-48 1-inch rounds on your prepped baking sheet. After you are done piping bang/drop the baking sheet gently on a flat surface multiple times to get rid of any air bubbles. Then let this sit at room temperature for about 30 minutes for them to set. Halfway through the 30 minutes preheat your oven to 300 degrees Fahrenheit. Once the 30 minutes are up and your oven is preheated place your cookies in the oven and back for around 17 minutes. (During this time do not open the oven only look through to prevent deflation) After baking let them cool completely before assembly.

Step 5: Pineapple Filling

First and foremost cut up your pineapple. For the actual filling, you'll only need a cup. So puree a cup and save the rest for whenever you would like it. Then in a small saucepan bring to a boil your pureed pineapple and 1/8 cup of granulated sugar. Stir frequently until it gets to a boil. Once it does turn down the heat to low and let it simmer stirring often for around 10-15 minutes. (Optional, add a pinch of salt to taste) After your filling is done transfer to a bowl and let cool in your fridge until needed again in your assembly.

Step 6: Coconut Buttercream

In a medium mixing bowl or stand mixer/kitchen aid whip about 12 tbsp of softened butter until it has increased in size and has turned a whiter color. Then slowly add in your 3 cups powdered sugar, in between adding your tsp vanilla, 6 tbsp coconut butter or cream, and tbsp of milk or heavy whipping cream. Whip until light and fluffy. (If your buttercream is too liquidy add more powdered sugar and if it's too thick or dry add more milk or heavy whipping cream. )

Step 7: Assembly

Get your cooled cookies, buttercream, and filling so you can assemble your macarons. Get 2 piping bags. One fit with a round tip and the other no tip needed. Put your buttercream in the bag with the tip and your filling in the bag without a tip. Then pipe rings with the buttercream around only half of your macarons. Once that's done fill in the extra space in the middle with your pineapple filling. Then add the other halves of your cookies onto the others making your amazing Piña Colada Macaron Sandwich Cookies! Enjoy.

Sandwich Challenge 2020

Participated in the
Sandwich Challenge 2020