Introduction: Picnic Table Lazy Susan
In this Instructable I'll show you how to make a Lazy Susan for your picnic table. This has got to be the easiest item I made. The one that I made has a center hole for a patio umbrella. If you don't use an umbrella you can skip that step. By not making a hole for the umbrella you actually get more room to store items on the Lazy Susan.
This Instructable can also be used to make a Lazy Susan for your indoor kitchen or dining room table by using a better grade wood or a hardwood.
I hope you find this helpful, please watch the YouTube video I embedded in this Instructable. Feel free to make comments, ask questions or make suggestions.
Thank you.
Step 1: Tools and Supplies
Bandsaw or jigsaw
Hole saw
Sand paper
Orbital or palm sander (optional)
Wood Glue
Biscuit joiner or Dowel jig
Biscuits or dowels
Wood screws
Weather sealer (optional)
Compass (optional)
Lazy Susan Hardware Amazon:
Step 2: Plan Your Project
First determine the size Lazy Susan you want for your table and choose the wood you want to use. I chose to use 2 scrap pieces of 2x8. The reason I chose to use the 2x8's was because I wanted the Lazy Susan to resemble the picnic table top. But you are free to use whatever materials you have or want.
I butt the 2x8's together and held them in place with clamps. I found the center, using a compass, I drew a circle the size of the Lazy Susan I wanted. Using a drill with a 2 inch hole saw, I cut a hole in the middle for the umbrella to slide through. If you don't use an umbrella over your picnic table then you can avoid this step.
Step 3: Cutting the Wood
After making the center hole, I removed the clamps and brought the two pieces of wood to the band saw and cut along the line. Try to cut as close to the line as possible to reduce the amount of sanding you'll have to do. I ended up with 2 semi circles. You can use a jig saw if you don't have a band saw.
I chose to use biscuits to join the two semi-circles together. Dowels can also be used. I made the slots for the biscuits, added wood glue and the biscuits. Then I clamped the semi-circles together and left it for the glue to dry.
After letting the glue dry overnight, I sanded the lazy Susan. You can use a palm sander, belt sander or sand by hand. This is where getting very close to the line when cutting the circle will reduce your sanding time.
Once you are satisfied with the final sanding apply a coat of weather proofing and attach the lazy Susan hardware.
And your Lazy Susan is ready to be used.