Introduction: Pie a Crochet

Hi! My name is Andrea and I´m a 10 years old spanish girl. Amigurumis is my passion!

Ihave made a small crochet "Pie", It´s super easy to make. You have to have a little patience when assembling the pieces, but the result is truly cute.


Hilos de los colores : carne y rosa.

Marcador de vueltas.

Ganchillo de 3,5 mm .

Aguja lanera.


Abreviaciones: pb: punto bajo

aum: aumento

mpa: medio punto alto

Step 1: JAM

Con hilo rosa:

Anillo mágico 5pb

v1: 3 vueltas de aum

v5:punto bajo

Step 2: Base

Con hilo color carne :

Anillo mágico 6pb

v1: 4 rondas de aum

v5: 3 rondas de pb

v8: 3 cadenas, 1 mpa.

Step 3: Long Chains

Con hilo carne :

Hacer 2 cadenas de 12 puntos.

Step 4: Short Chains

Con hilo carne :

Hacer 3 cadenas de 8 puntos.

Step 5: Join Base and Jam

You have to put the jam piece inside the base and fill inside.

Step 6: Ensamblar Las Cadenas

You have to place the short chains vertically and the long chains horizontally. You can place them any way you want, but leaving small squares as space.

I hope you like it!

All Things Pi Contest

Participated in the
All Things Pi Contest