Introduction: Pinecone Box
Hello and welcome.
In this project i am going to make a resin and pinecone box. I will show you how i cast the blank and turned it on my lathe. If you like a video has been placed in the instructable that shows the process.
Items used for instructable
Jacobs chuck
4 jaw chuck
Jumbo flat jaw set
Amazing casting resin
Alcohol ink
plastic container or container to cast the blank
gloves, stir sticks
Pressure pot to de gas resin
micro mesh pads 1500 / 12000
Step 1: Making the Resin Blank
1) I used a plastic cup as the resin does not stick to this.
2) I dried the pinecones in an oven overnight and placed them in the plastic container using masking tape over the top to stop the pinecones floating.
3) I used amazing clear cast resin and mixed enough to cover the pinecones.
4) I then used alcohol dye to colour the resin, using several drops to get to the colour i required
5) I then placed this in a pressure pot overnight to make sure the resin had no bubbles and time for the resin to cure.
Leave for around a week to fully cure before turning.
Step 2: Turning the Box Removing the Lid.
1) Mount the box between centres on the lathe and turn to round.
2) Make a tenon on what will be the base of the box and place in the chuck.
3) Mark a ridge where you want to part off the lid with parting tool about 1/2 inch in this will be the lip of the lid to sit in main box..
4) Before removing the lid sand the outside i the box so that the lid will fit on the box without a ridge at the join. We will do the finishing later.
5) Remove the lid leaving the lip and put aside for now.
Step 3: Fitting Lid to the Base
1) Now the lid has been removed you need to make the main box lip, to fit the lid.
2) Take your time and test the lid to make sure it fits snug. (once sanded, the lid will fit loser)
3) Place lid on box hold with tape if lose and finish the outer lid. Sand to 400 then use micro mesh this sands to 12000, after use sand sealer, yorkshire grit, and wax.
Step 4: Hollowing the Box
1) I hollowed out the inner box to around 1/4 inch from outer wall
2) Sand to 400 and micromesh
3) Finish with Sand sealer, yorkshire grit and wax.
Step 5: Finishing Outer, Base and Inside Lid
1) Place the lid back onto box and finish sanding and micromesh box and lid.
2) Once have the desired finish add sandsealer, yorkshire grit and wax.
3) Using the flat jaws place main box in and shape and finish the bottom.
4) place the lid in flat jaws and sand and finish the inner lid.
Step 6: Finished
Well done i hope this will help you and remember ive added the video for extra guidance.
Thank You
If you enjoyed please vote for me in the casting contest.