Introduction: Pita Pizza: the Perfect Snack for Picky Eaters

About: hello im a student

I remember as a kid, my dad coming out with another batch of these every few minutes as my sisters and I gobbled them up. This quick and easy recipe is perfect for picky eaters! Your kids will love these simple homemade pizza pitas. And its simple enough they'll love helping you cook their new favorite snacks.



Pizza Sauce



Olive oil

Kosher Salt

Toaster Oven


Any other toppings or spices you like

Step 1: Preheat Toaster Oven

Preheat the toaster oven to around 160 degrees Celcius or 320 degrees Fahrenheit.

Step 2: Cut the Pita

Use a knife to cut the pizza in half along its edges. Careful not to cut holes through the open face pita.

If it doesn't go easily, a simple trick is to put the pita in the microwave for 15 seconds so it inflates and it's easier to get the knife through the side.

Step 3: Olive Oil

Now put a sprinkle of olive oil on the open pita face, this step is optional but it can make the pita crispier.

It is also possible to show the pita in the oven for 1 minute on this step just to make sure it stays crispy if you find it coming out soggy for your taste.

Step 4: Sauce

Spread the pizza sauce evenly over the face of the pita.

Step 5: Spices

Sprinkle small amounts oregano and kosher salt. On this step you can also add any other spices you like, for example chili flakes for those who like spicy pizza.

The kosher salt is the secret ingredient which leaves you wanting more.

Step 6: Cheese

I am using a Gouda for my Pita Pizza, you can use any type of cheese you like, but if it comes sliced instead of shredded, like mine, be sure to tear it up into smaller pieces and still keep a bit of

Step 7: Other Toppings

Add any other toppings you like on pizza

Step 8: Cook

Now put the Pita Pizza on a baking tray and cook them for 5 minutes or until the cheese looks nicely melted.

Step 9: Enjoy!

I am using mini-pitas, but when using full sized pitas, you may want to cut them into 4 slices.

Sliced cherry tomatoes or mini-cucumbers go great as a side for these. You may also want to sprinkle with parmesan.

Serve and enjoy this easy delicious snack!