Introduction: Plastic Flower Pots

This is a decorative flower pot made out of recycled plastic. These pots take something that was garbage and make a new beginning.


  • Plastic jugs
  • Soil
  • Paint
  • Plant or plants
  • Ruler
  • Sharpie or marker
  • Something to cut plastic

Step 1: Step 1: Draw and Cut

1. Using a sharpie and a ruler, eyeball an even square.

2. Draw out a straight square big enough for the plant or plants to fit in.

3. Carefully cut out the square done in #2.

Step 2: Paint

1. Paint white so finish color will be more vibrant and more full

2. paint the color you want the vase to be

Step 3: Fill and Finish

1. fill with soil of choice

2. fill with plant

3. set in window or sunny place

4. water regularly :)

Plastic Challenge

Participated in the
Plastic Challenge