Introduction: Pleasel
For several months our students, parents, and educators have been on a path of inquiry into what we call Expressions of Experience.
Expressions of Experience invites us to notice.
Noticing is to dwell, reflect, wonder, and allow... to linger in the rhythms, rituals, and encounters that comprise our lived experiences. These moments, both as a community and in solitude, are pulse-like: a flow that alternates between chaos and order.
Our community has engaged in open dialogue, shared perspectives and curiosities; traversing multiple art mediums and storytelling methods. Our intention has been to illuminate the act of noticing as a protagonist in the great adventures of our inner and outer worlds.
The intent of this wooden frame, which we call Pleasel (plexiglass + easel) is to live as a creative linchpin of our school, offering organic artistic collaboration, academic expedition, social evolution, and emotional contemplation.
So far, the students and educators have enjoyed the easel thanks to its portability, transparency and revolution. The large 6 foot frame allows for multiple artists to utilize it simultaneously, and the height suits our not so big twenty-month olds as well as our towering six-year olds.
I used an existing outdoor easel with plexiglass instructable, which I found very useful and inspirational. However we slightly modified it for our needs.
1. We hoped to invite parents and other educators to play with materials alongside students, and that meant we needed a large plexiglass. Although it flexes slightly, that was expected because of its size-to-girth ratio.
2. To explore the breadth of our perception most optimally, we added swivels on either centre-points of the frame to allow for additional perspectives while applying different mediums. For instance, once the frame rotates horizontally level to the ground, one can imagine painting under the clear cover. Have you ever wondered what breathes under the ice sheets or what equations we may derive from primeval constellations?
3. In an updated instructable I hope to add a support beam that will stabilize the two legs. Additionally, the beam will be perforated for craft materials such as brushes, tape, paint cups, and towels.
Step 1: Supplies
6x3ft plexiglass (actually it's polycarbonate. For durability reasons, I didn't want to gamble with the strength knowing how aggressive the creative process can be.)
2x4s - cedar
Moulding - oak
1in drill bit
3/8in drill bit
8 washers
4 nylon lock nuts
metal file
hack saw
hand saw
lots of screws
stainless steel 3/8in rod