Introduction: Pocket Sized Music Player
Hi I'm Cameron this is my 6th instructable! In this one I show you how to make a diy music player, I hope you enjoy!
Step 1: Stuff You Need
Here's what you need: small battery bank, radio transmitter, your battery bank charger, memory card, music, and headphones.
If you look at the picture you will see the setup.
Step 2: Trace It!
To complete this step you need to trace the parts.
Step 3: Fold the Sides
Fold the sides, glue them together, then trim it to the height of your transmitter.
Step 4: Rearrange
Rearrange the stuff so that they take up as little room as possible. Then once that's done glue it in place.
Step 5: Coil the Cords
Remove the battery bank charger then coil the transmitter cord. Now cut out all the ports you need.
Step 6: Cut Out the Top
For this step you need to cut out the top, then glue it on (don't forget to cut out the screen and buttons).
Step 7: All Done!
You're all done! Now paint it! By the way, I made the picture in paint.