Introduction: Pokemon Card Wall Decoration
I used to LOVE Pokemon and bought tons of cards but now I found myself staring at this Huge tin of cards and I have nothing to do with them but I didn't want to throw them out so I made this was decoration.i got the idea for this when I flicked through my cards picking out the cute ones and thought it would be nice to have a cute Pokemon on my wall so I picked out on checked the type and designed a border like that type which was grass for mine.its really easy to make without anything expensive.
Step 1: Supply's
-coloured paper
-black marker(sharpie works good)
-Pokemon/other card
-anything else u may need
-oh ya and string
Step 2: Step 1(the Only Step)
Now just cut a square of cardboard bigger than the card and cut of the bottom of the card.cover the cardboard with paper whatever colour u need for example water blue fire red grass green u know.then stick the top of the card to the cardboard and design around it.stick on the string to the back and done! :D