Introduction: Polaroid Photo Frame for Tea

About: Hi! My name in Miranda Sarmiento. I am an architect and I really like art and creativity.

Hi! in this tutorial we will learn how to make a cute Polaroid photo frame for tea perfect to carry in any pocket. This photo frame can also be used to label any object you want, for example, your house keys.

Step 1: Materials

  • Clippings
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Ruler
  • Tea bag
  • Photographic paper
  • Glue

Step 2: Polaroid Frame Template

Draw the template on the back of the photo paper.

Step 3: Crop Images and Template

With scissors and scalpel cut the template and the images that you like, the image has an approximate measurement of 5 x 4.5 cm.

Step 4: Gum

Put glue to the back cover where will you go the cord, paste the image on the back of the frame finally glue the two covers (see photos).

I hope you liked this Instructable and enjoy your tea a lot! Thanks for reading.
