Introduction: Polk-a-dot Nails

About: Welcome to my account where I show you how to make cool stuff
Im going to be doing Polk-a-dot nails today, I don't know how mine will turn out, put hopefully good! I will be doing more nail art once I get some supplies:)

Step 1: Base Coat

Pick any color you want to be the base coat, I'm using blue you don't have to use blue.

Step 2: Painting

Put 2 coats of base coat on all your nails, then wait for it to be COMPLETELY dry.

Step 3: Polk-a-dots

You can use any color for the Polk-a-dots, I'm using white but you don't have to use white.

Step 4: Paint Brush

Use a paint brush with a thin end and make Polk-a-dots on your nail where ever you prefer.

Step 5: Clear Coat

Once the Polk-a-dots are dry, add a clear coat. Let that dry.

Step 6: You're Done!

Now you have beautiful nails! I hope your nails turned out good. I'll be doing more instructables soon:)
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