Introduction: Pooh Bear Blanket

This is a fun, somewhat easy Winnie-the-Pooh blanket to make. I am giving you these PDF files and some help with some of the things that I had problems with--and better ways to do things. :)

Step 1: Blanket Base

For this part of the blanket, you are going to be crocheting 195 single crotchet rows of white. You will want to take it slow and pay attention and make sure that you count your stitches. I can not stress how important it is to count stitches. I had to go back multiple times because I forgot to keep counting. when you are finished, DO NOT tie off your yarn's end. Follow the instructions very closely. I do not have a picture of just the afghan, but this is the afghan that I already started to stitch on.

Step 2: What You Need.

This is only some of the yarn that I used for my blanket. You also are going to need other stuff: a yarn needle, scissors, and an "H" hook. The white that I got was a little darker than usual, but you can use whatever is available.

Step 3: Pooh

When you are cross stitching Pooh, the bee, or the squares on the blanket, you are going to want to count your stitches more than once to make sure that you place them in the correct spot. After you have cross stitched him, you are going to have to sew the brown back-stitching. This was a fun part .

Step 4: Cross Stitch

The cross stitching part is what takes the shortest amount of time. I got this part done in a couple of weeks.


I hope these help.

Step 6: The Bee

This was probably the funnest part. Just make sure you put it in the right spot. I started with the yellow, and then I did the purple .

Step 7: The Start of the Shirt

This is the start of the red shirt. I hope that all of these pictures are helpful. This part gets a little confusing, so just try to pay attention to what you are doing.

Step 8: The End

Once you have finished, you will have a nice, warm blanket. If you have any questions about this, please write a comment below and I will be happy to help .