Introduction: Poor-Mans Cd Candle

About: someone is actualy reading this
This is a very extreme variation of an old oil lamp where you have a reservoir at the bottom and a cloth or bit of rope and that the draws the flue up the shaft where it is ignited and burn.

Almost the parts are things that most people have around the house.

X1 soft drink bottle ( I used a Lipton tea bottle )
X1 5cm of 1/4 inch copper or steal pipe
X2 Cd
X1 bottle of mentholated spirits
some cut up strips of towel's for a wick

Rotary tool (The best thing since the silicon chip)
Scissors or a knife
And a heat gun or some silicon glue

Never leave a flame unintended!!!
If the flame gets in to the reservoir it will pop and force the wick out preventing a uncontrolled fire

Step 1: Preparing the Parts

The bottle:
Just cut horizontally across the bottom section of the bottle.

The pipe
Cut the pipe to a length of roughly 5 cm long so it sits in the middle of the bottle and has about 1cm above the bottle, this is so it will not burn the cd.
After this drill or cut a series of about 5 or so holes in one end of the pipe to allow the metho up in to the wick. the holes do not need to be big because the metho burns slowly

Step 2: Assembly

Now line up the middle of one of the cd's with the middle of the bottle and glue the gap between the two.

Do not glue the pipe to the cd other wise filling it up will be a pain and it could explode!!!

Step 3: Enjoy

Finishing touches:
so now you have a cd glued to the top of the bottom half of a soft drink bottle, a bitt of copper pipe that fits in the middle and a 2nd cd, this cd is to go on top glued on cd, shiny side up.

Fill with metho, light the cloth wick and enjoy

to save time or metho fill the bottom of the lamp with a few small pebbles to avoid using to much metho to fill the bottom corners of the bottle that dont allow the wick to absorb.