Introduction: Poor Man's Door Trip Alarm

You will need:

LCD Screen Buzzer

6 LED's (you could use less)

IR Receiver

Sonar/Distance Sensor

A bunch of wires and 20-32 M/F connectors

1 100 ohm resister

6 220 ohm resisters




Optional: Amazon box as a housing

Step 1: What You Need and What to Do First

What to do first

1. Link your hot and ground rails with some M/M wires.

2. Next ground your LED's to the ground rail. To do my exact same build you will need 12 M/F wires to connect the LED's so you can show the led's on the outside of the amazon box.

3. Insert the 6 220 ohm resisters and then connect the hot line on the LED to those resisters so the LED's don't burn out and aren't so bright.

LED"s where connected from left to right in ports 13 -> 8 (So there is a movement looking motion to the lights

Step 2: Receiver and Sensor

Receiver (Using M/F wires)

1. Connect the left most pin on the IR receiver (when the component is facing you) to the ground rail.

2. Connect the middle pin to the hot rail so it gets power

3. Connect the right most pin to port 4 to control when the buzzer should sound

Distance Sensor (Using M/F wires)

1. Connect the GND pin to the ground rail

2. Connect the echo pin to port 6 and connect the trig pin to port 7

3. Now connect the remaining pin to the hot rail

Step 3: Buzzer

1. Connect the left pin on the buzzer to the ground rail

2. Connect the hot wire to a 100 ohm resister and then connect the resister to port 5

**The resister is important as not using one can cause to much power to reach the buzzer and quickly silence it for good

Step 4: LCD and Potentiometer


1. Connect the left pin on the potentiometer to the ground rail using a M/M wire

2. Connect the right pin to the hot rail like the above

3. The connect the middle pin to the Vo pin on the LCD screen using a M/F wire


GND - Connects the the ground rail

VSS/VCC - Connects to the hot rail

Vo already connected to the potentiometer

RS - A0 port

RW - GND port on the breadboard.

E - A1 port.

D4 - A2 port.

D5 - A3 port

D6 - A4 port

D7 - A5 port

A (anode) - Will go to the hot rail on the breadboard

K (cathode) - Will go to the ground rail on the breadboard

Step 5: Getting the Code Together

Click the code there. You will have to alter something, you will need to download the TimerFreeTone library and edit the NewPing library. Open the NewPing library (say in notepad++) and search for "__vector_7". This should eventually bring up this line of code "#define TIMER_ENABLED true"

You will need to change this to "#define TIMER_ENABLED false" this way the IR and the new ping library timers don't get a confliction.