Introduction: All in One Prototyping Plate for Arduino Uno

About: I make stuff. #makermovement

Rev3ProtoPack is an Arduino Uno breadboarding plate that allows you to prototype circuits wherever you go. It has a 9 volt battery holder, Arduino Uno anti-static bumper case, and a half-size breadboard slot, so you have all the components to prototype on the go, or to simply keep your makerspace neat and tidy with this clever device.


  • Portable
  • Organized
  • Powerful
  • Compact
  • No external power sources needed
  • Can be modified to suit your needs


  • Not everyone has a 3D printer, but you can get this printed with the 3D Hubs button.

Step 1: Materials Needed

Materials and Tools:

Gather these together.

Step 2: Print It

Print the STL model below. You can use PLA or ABS. Infill may vary from print to print, but 40% is a good all-around setting. I set the layer height to .34 millimeters, which is precise but doesn't take a long time to print. Make sure you have fan cooling on when it gets to the small pegs, even if you are using ABS.

Step 3: Assemble

On the Arduino, there are four holes. Two of them are closer together than the other two. Place the holes on the pegs, aligning the closer holes up to the closer pegs. Next, put the breadboard into its slot. You may want to secure it with adhesive, but it should work well without it. Now, take the two Zip Ties and place them through the slot as shown. Tighten them around the 9 volt battery with the terminals by the breadboard, then clip off the extra. Last of all, plug the 9 volt battery into the arduino using the power cable.

Step 4: How to Upload Code

It may seem like the battery may pose a problem, as it is in the way of the usb port. But this was taken into account in the design. To upload the code, simply flip the battery down out of the way and plug in the cord. After you are done uploading your program, unplug it and flip the battery back into place.

Step 5: Prototype Prototype Prototype!

Now you can prototype using wherever you go using your new prototyping plate! Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it, and vote for me!