Introduction: Potato & Sausage One Packet Meal

About: A fitness Instructor, active mother of 3

This flavorful dish is soooo easy you can cut it up, wrap in foil and toss on the grill giving you a flavorful meal and no pots and pans to clean...the foil is recyclable too!

This dish so easy you can make it ahead and place in a cooler over ice and it's ready when you are.

Step 1: Ingredients & Prep

Makes 4;

2 peppers, quartered & seeded

4 sausages, cut into 4

4 potatoes, peeled and cubed

1 tsp salt

1 tsp oregano

4 tbsp. butter or oil

4 pieces of foil 14"x 12" size

On each sheet of foil place 1 potato, 1 sausage, and 1/2 pepper.

Sprinkle each pkg with some of the salt and add the butter or oil

Fold one side over and pinch closed. Fold in the sides and pinch tightly.

Place folded side down over grill and cook for 10 min.

Using tongs flip pkg and cook for another 10 min.

Enjoy with love~