Introduction: Print and Build

The following information is a single lesson in a larger Tinkercad project. Check out this and more projects on Tinkercad.

Gather your parts:

  • Mat cutter
  • Foam board
  • Printed parts

Experiment with different angles and different wing shapes.


  1. Use the mat cutter to create different wing and tail shapes. Use the different wing clips to adjust the angles.
  2. Congratulations! Off to flight school!

Step 1: Building the Clip

The following information is a single lesson in a larger Tinkercad project. Check out this and more projects on Tinkercad.

The wing clips determine the angle of the wings and tails. Because you want to test different configurations you need to design different several iterations. Each clip will have a center and at least two clips, so the next step is to design a single clip that can be duplicated, rotated and combined with a center piece.


  1. Drag a cylinder onto the Workplane and set the diameter to 5mm and the height to 8mm. Make it a hole.
  2. Drag another cylinder onto the Workplane and set the diameter to 6.6mm and the height to 8mm.
  3. Align the two cylinders.
  4. Drag a box on to the Workplane and set the width to 13.6mm, the length to 1.2mm and the height to 8mm. Make it a hole.
  5. Drag another box on to the Workplane. This time set the width to 12mm, the length to 2.4mm and the height to 8mm.
  6. Align the boxes, but when you align select the two nodes that are indicated below. You want the hole to peak out on the right side.
  7. Group the boxes.
  8. Group the cylinders.
  9. Adjust the precision of snap to .1mm.
  10. Use the Align tool to center the cylinders and boxes, but use the arrow keys to fine tune the distance.
  11. Ungroup the boxes. Notice that the hole cuts through the cylinders.
  12. Group the boxes and the cylinders.
  13. Drag a box on to the Workplane. Set the width to 4mm, the depth to 3.2mm and the height to 8mm.
  14. Drag another box on to the Workplane. Set the width to 4mm, the depth to 1.6mm and the height to 8mm. Make it a hole.
  15. Align the boxes.
  16. Use the Align tool and the arrow keys to position the two parts.
  17. Drag a cylinder onto the Workplane. Set the diameter to 8.6mm and the height to 10mm.
  18. Drag a cylinder onto the Workplane. Set the diameter to 8.6mm and the height to 10mm.
  19. Continue to the next step.

Step 2: Customizing

The following information is a single lesson in a larger Tinkercad project. Check out this and more projects on Tinkercad.

One of the best parts of 3D printing is the ability to customize your designs. This next step is where you can create varies versions of the wing clips.


  1. Make a duplicate of the clip and rotate it 15 degrees.
  2. Use your arrow keys to align the duplicated copy. You want the cylinders to align as best as possible.
  3. Continue to create duplicates until you have completed the circle.
  4. Delete all the cylinders in the center.
  5. Move a copy of the "wheel" to side.
  6. Delete clips being careful to make a note of what angles the clips are positioned. Remember the rotation is 15 degrees.
  7. Make a copy of the center and use the arrow keys to adjust the position. You may also need to slightly adjust the clips.
  8. Make another copy of the "wheel" and make another wing clip.
  9. Continue to customize.
  10. Continue to the next step.