Introduction: Push Up Handle

About: I am a student of mechanical engineering and like to work on small projects.

To relieve the strain on my wrists I like to use homemade grips for push-ups. They are easy to manufacture and cost-effective. I was able to make the handles entirely from scraps.

- 4 x woodplank ( 7" x 3,5" x 1")

- 2 x wooden handle 1,4" diameter

- wood glaze or wood oil

- wood glue


- saw

- sand paper

Step 1: Dimensions

Step 2: Bringing the Pieces Into Shape

Saw the parts to the right length and cut the sides at an angle of 45 degrees.

I used a broken wooden handle from a spade, which is very comfortable to grip.

Step 3: Drill

Use a file to round off the edges. Then drill a hole for the wooden rod.

Step 4: Connecting the Parts

use some wood glue to connect the handle with the side parts. Then use sandpaper to sand down the joints.

Step 5: Finish the Surface

Sand all parts to paint them afterwards. Alternatively the handles can also be oiled.

Step 6: Adding Feets

Add some furniture feet pads to preserve the soil.

Step 7: You Are Done

That's it. You can use the handles not only for push-ups, but also for planks or L-sits.

Have fun at your next training.

Exercise Speed Challenge

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Exercise Speed Challenge