Introduction: QR Code Plant Marker

In this Instructable, we will build a QR plant marker.

Backyard gardening is a passion of mine. I'm not very good at it but I like spending time in the yard. One particular problem that I encounter is keeping track of what I have planted. Last year I had a few "mystery plants" in my raised bed because I could not remember what I planted (it turned out to be a nice pepper plant). I like to keep track of details like what kind of seed, when it was planted, etc. A QR code is a great tool to encode information that can be easily accessed with a smartphone. We will learn how to build a QR plant marker with information about the plant. You can use standard plant markers but I used a plastic fork.


  • A plant
  • A computer and printer.
  • A QR code generator. I used
  • Shipping tape. Width depends on how wide you want to print your QR code. 2 in is fine.
  • Plastic Fork or Plant Marker (or whatever you want to use/recycle)
  • Smartphone

Step 1: Create QR Code With Plant Info

You can use any QR generator. For the specific QR generator that I used, you can enter the plant information (see section marked "A" in the picture). Add as many details as you want but try to keep it about 1-5 short lines. When done, press "download" (see section "B" in the picture)

Step 2: Print QR Code

Here you will choose the size of the QR code. I wanted to keep it about 2 inches because that is the width of the shipping tape. As long as you have a way to protect it from the elements, any size is good.

Step 3: Build a Protective Layer for the QR

Since the QR will be out in the garden, it needs to be protected from water and sun. I used shipping tape, on both sides of the print.

Step 4: The Support

I used a plastic fork, but you can use a plant marker, or anything that can be buried in the ground.

Step 5: Place QR Plant Marker Next to the Plant

Now it is time to place your QR Plant Marker next to the plant!

Step 6: Accessing Your Information

Use a smartphone and take a picture with the camera app. Most smartphones (specially the most recent models) will read the QR code automatically. Otherwise, download a QR code reader.

Your phone will ask you to see the details of the QR code and you will see the stored data in the phone's notepad.

Have fun!