Introduction: Quad Reacher Grabber

About: Ph.D. Student at UC Berkeley in mechanical engineering and Robotics

This project describes my build of a simple hook reacher for myself as a quadriplegic without finger or hand dexterity. This is a modification to a previous iteration of this same reacher with a different way of holding it. The simple design allows me to pick up many objects off the ground if there is a loop or feature the hook can grab a hold of or pulling things within reach or offer for the counter.


1/2" or 3/4" x 3' oak dowel

wire hat/coat hook

Handle - 3D printed

Forearm look - 3D printed

Step 1: 3D Print and Bend Hook

  1. First, you will need to 3d print the t-handle and forearm hoop (stl and solidworks files provided for 3/4" dowel). I will improve these to be stronger, more ergonomic.
  2. Bend wire hat/coat hook as shown in photos.

Step 2: Drill Pilot Holes - Insert Screws

Once you have all your parts you will need to drill 3 pilot holes and insert screws.

  1. At the end you wish to screw the hook into
  2. Where you wish to place the T-handle (I put it ~11" from the end)
  3. Where you wish to place the forearm hoop

Step 3: Test and Use

Test, Use, Give Feedback, Improve

Step 4:

Assistive Tech Contest

Runner Up in the
Assistive Tech Contest