Introduction: Quadcopter Propellers.

Diy Quadcopter propellers made from simple home tools.

Step 1: What's a Propeller?

A propeller is a type of fan that transmits power by converting rotational motion into thrust. Propellers come in a variety of diameters and pitches as well as materials such as plastic, reinforced plastic, carbon fiber and wood. For the most part plastic and carbon fiber are the most popular. Smaller propellers under 8 inches are used for racing and acrobatics along with smaller motors rated with a high kV. While larger propellers over 8 inches along with motors with a low kV rating are used for carrying payloads such as video equipment. Whatever material you choose there are two main specifications to consider; diameter and pitch. Let's begin with the pitch. In simple terms, the pitch can be defined as the travelling distance per a single revolution of the propeller. For example, if the pitch is 4.7 on a 9 inch diameter propeller, the propeller is capable of 4.7 inches of travel per revolution. When deciding on the diameter and pitch of a propeller, first consider what you want the craft to do and then find the balance between the diameter and the pitch. Generally speaking, a lower pitch will generate more torque (and less turbulence)for lifting and the motors don't have to workas hard to carry heavier loads. As a result, amotor that doesn't have to work as hard willdraw less current from the battery which results in increased flight time.One simple way to increase flight time on a heavier unitis to use a lower pitch propeller on your aircraft!A propeller with a higher pitch can move a greater amount of air but creates more turbulence and less torque.If you notice that your craft wobbles alot when hovering chances are that the pitch of the propeller is too high for that particular unit.Flight efficiency is closely related to the amount of air contacting the surface of the propeller. A larger diameter is equal to more air contact. A small increase or decrease in the diameter of the propeller can alter how efficiently your quadcopter ormultirotor flies. For example, swimming with flippers on your feet is more efficient than barefoot BUT it is also more tiring because it takes more effort to move more water per stroke. Likewise, a smaller prop requires less effort to speed up and slow down but is less efficient than a larger one. Therefore, smaller props will speed up and slow down faster (inertia of movement) making the quadcopter or multirotor more responsive.If operating your aircraft is "hairtrigger" or "twitchy" then your propellers are too small for that unit, try moving up a size in diameter!On the same note, larger propellers take more effort to speed up andslow down which makes them less responsive but more stable when hovering. For this reason,larger props with a low pitch are ideal for aerial videography and photography. Whilesmaller props with a high pitch are ideal for fast quick maneuvers.When deciding on a propeller size the first number is always the diameter and the second number is always the pitch. For example, a prop with the following numbers7x3.5 is a 7 inch diameter prop with a low pitch of 3.5, while a number like 11x4.7 is an11 inch diameter prop with a higher pitch of4.7 inches.One last point about propellers for quadcopters and multirotors is the direction of rotation. For stable flight you need an equal number of clockwise and counterclockwise propellers (the tricopter is the exception) so when you purchase your props be sure to understand if the pair is a pair of clockwise, counterclockwise or one of each. Which leads us to one final question, "How do you tell the two apart?" The answer is easy, the top rib of the propeller always points to the direction of rotation. The top rib of a clockwise prop points in a clockwise direction and a counterclockwise prop has the top rib pointing in a counterclockwise direction.

Step 2: Materials.

Get your desired materials. Am going to be reusing a CD/DVD to make the build for a start.

Step 3: Template

Make your desired template to size and shape, then cut out for form the required propeller. Smoothen all edges for safety.

Step 4: The Final Finish.

With external heat tilt the propeller a little to get desired shape. The propeller is set and done. Anticipate the first test run. Have a nice time don't forget to like and subscribe to my Page.
Happy New Year.