Introduction: Quick Crispy Fried Ramen

This crispy ramen takes 5 minutes to cook and is very tasty. All you need is some cooking oil spray, some packet ramen, and seasoning. You will also need a bag (or the one the ramen came in), and an air fryer.

Step 1: Split the Ramen

I am using Maruchan instant packet ramen. However, by default it is a bit thick. You will need to split it into the two slices that are about 1 cm thick.

Step 2: Spray the Ramen

Spray the ramen with cooking oil on each side to your own preference.

Step 3: Air Fry the Ramen.

Air fry the ramen at 375F for 3-4 minutes on each side.

Step 4: (Optional)Season

Season the ramen with, really anything. French fry seasoning or taco seasoning works well.

Left: Raw

Center: Fried

RIght: Seasoned with taco seasoning.

Step 5: (Optional)Crush

Crush the ramen by putting it into a bag and crush it. Either press it or hit it repeatedly with something heavy or your hand.