Introduction: Quick, Easy and Lightweight Kindle Cover

Like others here I didn't want to part with €30+ for a bland kindle cover so thought I'd give it a go myself. It's my first instructable, and I'm not a particularly crafty person, so go easy on it :) Others have done a better job of similar projects but this might give some ideas at least.

Apart from being cheap, this is also quick and easy - I did it in a rush before heading to work, so probably took just over half an hour altogether! Had to get something done quickly as I'm travelling for the rest of the week and wanted something to put my kindle in.

I made some mistakes which should've been spotted, but nothing too serious. Also, it's still new so I'll update here as to how durable it ends up being. 



Step 1: What You Need:

Not a whole lot really, most of which you'll probably have at home. Tried to keep it as simple as possible:
- Scissors
- A sharp stanley/swiss army knife
- Pen
- Ruler
- All purpose glue
- Sellotape
- Fairly stiff cardboard 
- Small piece of cloth (a square foot, roughly, should do it)
- Velcro fastener
- Elastic strips

Step 2: Getting the Base

Nothing too exact here. I'm not a fan of precise measurements!

Take your cardboard (mine was from a fairly rigid 3-ply box). Draw around your kindle twice, leaving about a centimetre extra all the way round, plus about a centimetre and a half in between to leave room for the spine (see photo). 

Then cut out this basic outline with a knife/scissors or whatever you have handy.

Step 3: Sellotape Support and Adding Elastic Straps

I reinforced the spine and edges of the cardboard by running some sellotape around it. Not sure how necessary this is but can't do any harm!

Then I started putting on the elastic straps which will hold the kindle in place. This is probably going to turn out to be the weak link of my cover, as I simply glued them down. They seem fine for now, but may not be particularly durable. Staple them down too, to be sure.

With a thin blade, make a slit where you want the elastic (see photos). Then poke the end of the roughly 2.5-3 inch lengths of elastic through and glue it down on the outer side of the cardboard.

Step 4: Screen Protector and Start of the Cloth Cover

I found a rectangular piece of nice fluffy cloth for 50 cents in my local craft shop, so used that on the inside cover to protect the screen from any scratches (and for aesthetic value).

Then I cut my outer (deep green) cloth to size (the size of the cardboard, plus 1 inch extra as a border to fold over the edge of the cardboard, where it'll be glued down).

To get your elastic straps coming through the right side (which I didn't do - there's always next time!), simply put a small slit in your cloth in the right place, and pull it through the hole.

Put plenty of glue on the cloth where it'll be stuck down and work your way around the edge, trying to get a crease-free finish on the outside of the cover.

Step 5: The Velcro Finishing Touch

Almost there now!

For the velcro closing strap, I cut a small rectangle of cloth about 2.5 inches long, glued one end to the back of the cover, and put an adhesive velcro dot on the other end.

Step 6: Finished!

Voila..Your very own, customizable ebook reader/kindle cover!

Spend more time on it and you'll easily do a better/neater job than me..

Happy Reading x