Introduction: ​Quick Recipe Seared Tuna

About: originally I was a full time designer, now my 24hrs all goes to my kid, thumbs up!

I would like to share a super quick recipe with you with less than 5 ingredients or spices. This quick seared tuna recipe would taste very good whether you eat it on rice, serve with salad, or even drizzle with or without dressing. It would be a perfect meal to please your guests suddenly come over. The simple ingredients include tuna steak, black sesame, salt and black pepper. Hope you like it :D

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4:

Step 5:

Step 6:

Step 7:

Summer Food and Drink Contest

Participated in the
Summer Food and Drink Contest

Cooking Basics Challenge

Participated in the
Cooking Basics Challenge

Summer Fun Contest

Participated in the
Summer Fun Contest